Acupuncture is the act of inserting thin needles into specific points. This actives the bodies natrual healing responses. It does this by promoting circulation of blood, fluids, and energy through out the body. Also, triggering the release of natrual painkillers and neurotransmitters. All this to bring the body back to a balanced state so that it can function proporly and you can live your best life.
Cupping helps bring fresh blood and fluids to an affected area. It is achieved by removing the air within a speacial cup to form a suction on the surface of the skin. The suction affect triggers blood flow to the area. This clears out any lacitic acid build up while bringing oxygen and other nutrients to the area.
Herbal Therapy
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) herbal therapy can be used for acute or chronic conditions. Each herb is carefully combined with others to make a customized formual made just for you. Herbal therapies can be used alone or in conjunction with acupuncture and other TCM modalties.
Moxibustion, or Moxa, is the act of burning an herb called mugwort on or close to the skin. This can be done on different areas of the body or on specific acupuncture points. The smoke from the burning herb then penetrates through the pores of the skin entering the body. Moxibustion helps with pain and inflammation, it also strengthens the body and builds up the immune system.